Learn Active voice and passive voice easily


Voice is a form of verb. It is of two types

  1. Active voice 

  2. Passive voice

Active Voice:: 

 If the subject represents the does of an action then the verb is said to be in active voice. 

Eg:: He sells bangles here.

Subject - Raju 

Verb - sells

Object - Bangles

Passive Voice :: 

If we give more preference to the object then it is said to be in Passive voice. 

Eg:: Bangles are sold by him here. 

Subject - Object *subject to Object change* (When changing from active voice to passive voice the following pronouns change)

I        - me   ( “ I “ in active voice changes to “me” in Passive voice )

We    - us

You   - you

He    - him

She   - her

It       - it

They -  them

In Passive voice we must use v3 form and the statement starts with an object.

  1. I sell bangles here. (Active Voice)

Bangles are sold by me here. ( Passive Voice )

  1. They sell bangles here. (Active Voice)

            Bangles are sold by them here. ( Passive voice )

Converting Active Voice in Present tense to Passive Voice

Simple present tense:: 

Active Voice:: Sub + v1/ v1+s / v1+es + object


Ravi tells stories.

Many people speak english.

They bring cars to the institution daily.

passive voice:: Object + is /are /am +V3 + preposition + subject 

  1. Ravi tells  stories. (Active Voice)

            Stories are told by Ravi. ( passive voice )

  1. Many people speak English.  

English is spoken by many people. (passive voice )

  1. They bring cars to the institution daily.

Cars are brought by them to the institution daily. (passive voice)

Present continuous tense::

Active Voice:: Sub+ is /are /am + V4 + object

Eg:: I am reading a book. 

Passive voice:: Object + is being /are being / am being +V3 + preposition subject

  1. I am reading a book.  (Active voice)

            Book is being read by me  (Passive voice)

  1. She is typing a letter   (Active Voice )

            A letter is being typed by her  (Passive voice)

  1. They aren't singing songs.  (Active voice)

           Songs are not being sung by them.  (Passive voice)

Present Perfect Tense::

Active Voice:: Sub + has/ have + V3 + object

Passive voice:: Object + has been / have been + V3 + preposition + subject 

  1. Palle has completed the task.  (Active Voice)

           The task has been completed by Palle. (Passive Voice)

      2 . Anjali has done it well. (Active voice)

           It has been done well by Anjali. (Passive Voice)

Present Perfect continuous tense::

Active voice:: Sub + has been / have been + v4 + object.

No Passive voice for Present Perfect continuous tense

Converting Active Voice in Past tense to Passive Voice

Simple past::

Active voice:: subject + v2 + object 

Eg:: she created a blogspot yesterday 

Passive voice :: Object + was/were + v3 + prep + subject 

Eg:: A blogspot was created by her yesterday.

She trained us.  

We were trained by her.

We got freedom in 1947.

Freedom was given to us in 1947

Past Continuous tense ::

Active voice:: Sub + was/were + v4 + object

Eg:: She was training us.

Passive voice:: Object + was being/ were being + v3 + preposition + subject

Eg :: we were being trained by her.

Past Perfect Tense::

Active voice:: Sub + had + v3 + object

Passive voice :: obj + had been + v3 + subject 

Eg:: She had completed her homework.  (Active Voice)

        Her homework had been completed by her. (Passive voice)

        They had purchased a car. (Active Voice)

        A car had been purchased by them. (Passive voice)


Past Perfect continuous tense::

Active voice:: Sub + had been + v4 + object

No Passive voice for past perfect tense

Converting Active Voice in Past tense to Passive Voice

Simple Future Tense::

Active voice:: Sub + will / shall / can / may + v1 + object

Passive voice :: obj + won’t be / shan’t be / can’t be / may not be+ v3 + subject 

Eg:: He will buy a car. (Active Voice)

        A car will be bought by him. (Passive voice)


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