Archeological sources of Indian History

Archeological sources of Indian History

Archeological sources of Indian History include materials remains, pottery, coins used, drawings and inscriptio ns.

Material Remains:

Our ancient Indians left a lot of material remains on this land that allows us to come to know how their daily life would be and what actions they have done. Material Remains include temples, ancient constructions, materials like their cooking vessels, vehicles, stone tools, their houses etc The use of Iron in our India began 3000 years ago. There is evidence of Iron tools used by our ancestors. The Iron Pillar in Delhi is another piece of evidence. Weapons found in some lands proves that some war occurred on that land. By material remains we came to know about Indus Valley Civilization. But how do we find materials belonging to some particular period? Yes, by radiocarbon dating method we can find to which year the material belongs to. By carbon dating method we came to know that Agriculture was practiced in Rajasthan and Kashmir from 6000 BC (8000 years ago)

Pottery ::

Various kinds of pottery have been discovered by the archeologists. Study of pottery helps us what crops they used to cultivate, what food they used to eat, Culture they have followed.

Coins ::

Coins also play a vital role in revealing history. The study of coins is called Numismatics. Coins reveal how they understand that exchanging things won't work any more. Ancient coins are made up of copper, silver, gold, bronze etc. The Guptas issued the greatest number of gold coins. It tells us that trade and commerce came into existence in the post-Mauryan and Gupta times Coins give us information about resources available/ found by them.
Eg :: Shatavahanas (Kings who ruled Telugu regions) issued large number of lead coins as Andhra region is available with rich lead resources.


Inscriptions play a major role in the study of history. The study of Inscriptions is called Epigraphy. The study of old writings used in Inscriptions and old recordings is called Palaeography.

Inscriptions provide us historical evidence of the presence and the actions of dynasties, empires, their culture, their period etc. The first evidence of inscription in south Asia was found in Sri Lanka. The inscription is carved in Tamil Brahmi language on the stones & pots. Then later in the 3rd century B.C Ashoka Inscriptions in Brahmi Script emerged. By the start of 1st century AD, inscriptions were carved on the pillars, stone tablets, drawn in caves, on rocks etc.

According to the Archaeological survey of India, more than 55% of the Epigraphical inscriptions discovered in India are in Tamil language.

Some important inscriptions from Indian History are 

  1. Ashoka Inscriptions
  2.  Junagarh Inscriptions
  3.  Mehrauli Inscriptions / Garuda Inscriptions
  4.  Hathigumpha Inscriptions
  5.  Tamil copper plate inscriptions
  6.  Chola Inscriptions etc

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