All types of fears / phobias in the world are::
Source of Fear | Name of Phobia |
Animals | Zoophobia |
Beards | Pogonophobia |
Bed | Clinophobia |
Bees | apiphobia |
Being buried alive | Taphephobia |
Being looked at | Scopophobia |
birds | Ornithophobia |
Blood | Haemophobia |
Body odour | Bromidrosiphobia |
Bullets | Ballistophobia |
Cancer | Carcinophobia |
Cats | Ailurophobia |
Childbirth | Tocophobia |
Church | Ecclesiophobia |
Clouds | Necrophobia |
Computers | Cyberphobia |
Corpses | Nephephobia |
Clowns | Coulrophobia |
Crowds | Ochlophobia |
Dampness | hygrophobia |
darkness | scotophobia |
death | thanatophobia |
dirt | mysophobia |
disease/illness | Nosophobia |
dogs | cynophobia |
dreams | oneirophobia |
drink | Potophobia |
dust | koniophobia |
Enclosed places | claustrophobia |
eyes | ommetophobia |
faeces | coprophobia |
feathers | pteronophobia |
fire | pyrophobia |
fish | ichthyophobia |
floods | antiophobia |
food | sitophobia/cibophobia |
fur | dora phobia |
ghosts | phasmophobia |
glass | nelophobia |
hair | trichophobia |
heat | thermophobia |
hell | stygiophobia |
High places | acrophobia |
home | oikophobia |
horses | hippophobia |
ice | cryophobia |
idleness | insects |
Insect strings | cnidophobia |
itching | acarophobia |
lice | pediculophobia |
lightening | astrophobia |
loneliness | autophobia |
magic | rhabdophobia |
marriage | gametophobia |
men | androphobia |
mice | musophobia |
mirrors | elsoptrophobia |
mobs | ochlophobia |
money | chrematophobia |
names | onomatophobia |
needles | belonephobia |
night | nyctophobia |
nudity | gymnophobia |
Open places | agoraphobia |
pain | algophobia |
people | anthropophobia |
pleasure | hedonophobia |
precipices | cremnophobia |
Priests | hierophobia |
Rail travel | siderodromophobia |
Rivers | potomophobia |
robbers | harpaxophobia |
sea | thalassophobia |
sex | erotophobia |
shy | erythrophobia |
sleep | hypnophobia |
slime | blennophobia |
snakes | ophidiophobia |
snow | chinophobia |
speed | tachophobia |
spiders | arachnophobia |
stars | siderophobia |
string | linonophobia |
stuttering | laliophobia |
sun | hellophobia |
swallowing | phagophobia |
teeth | odontophobia |
thirteen | Triskaideka phobia |
thunder | brontophobia |
Touch | haptophobia |
travel | hodophobia |
water | hydrophobia |
waves | cymophobia |
wind | anemophobia |
women | gynosphobia |
words | logophobia |
work | ergophobia |
worms | heminthophobia |
Wow ty