Introduction to Cybersecurity Course

Technology is everywhere today. We use our phones for almost everything – from shopping to banking. We work on computers, and even pay for dinner with a card. Because we use technology so much, it's important to protect ourselves from online dangers.

Cybersecurity is like a shield that protects your computer, phone, and important information from bad guys who try to steal your stuff or mess up your stuff. It's about keeping your online life safe.

Basically, it's like locking your doors and windows to protect your home. In the online world, cybersecurity is like the digital lock that keeps the bad guys out.

In this course we will learn about various cyber-attacks, the reasons behind such attacks and the guidelines to avoid them. It is recommended that web application developers are aware of the Top 10 web application mistakes suggested by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). This course will explain each of these mistakes and its counter measure. We will also understand the concept of threat modelling and tools that help in designing secure web applications.

Learning Outcomes

Understanding Cybersecurity

  • Why Cybersecurity Matters: Learn the importance of protecting digital information and systems.
  • What Cybersecurity is: Understand how to safeguard digital assets from online threats.
  • Core Cybersecurity Concepts: Grasp key ideas like the CIA Triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) and essential cybersecurity terms.

Protecting Information

  • Information Risks: Recognize potential dangers to digital information.
  • Safeguarding Data: Learn about encryption, hashing, and digital signatures to protect information.
  • Common Application Threats: Understand top risks like SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
  • Writing Secure Code: Discover how to prevent vulnerabilities during software development.
  • Designing for Security: Learn about secure design principles, threat modeling, and building security into the software development process.

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