ISRO Technical Assistant Skill Test (Computer Science)

Hello dear aspirants, Today I am going to talk about ISRO technical assistant skill test for Computer Science Engineers.

The skill test is conducted for 100 marks with approximately 5 - 8 Questions (Marks for each question is different). These questions are printed on a paper and you need to pick a question paper from stack placed on the table. Before that, All your documents are verified.

Questions are different for different candidates. You will be allotted a Computer with screen recording and live monitoring. You will be given maximum of 120 minutes time to complete your skill test. You need to secure 60 marks (60%) for a 100 marks test. The skill test is of qualifying nature only. 

Some samples questions asked in ISRO Technical Assistant skill test (Computer Science) are

  1. Write a program to process student structure containing roll number, class and age as members. The program must read 5 student record in an array of structure and display the details of a student who is eldest. Use a function to find eldest for which array of structure is an arguement.
  2. Create an animation with the following features.

=> Letters should appear one by one. 

=> The fill of color of the text should change to a different colour after the display of the full word.

  1.  Remove the arrows and text from the given photographic image (Filename: photo.jpg).
  2. To create a file that contains atleast 5 records which consists of Book No., Book Name, Author, Publisher, and Price.
  3. To implement doubly linked list: create, delete and display.
  4. To sort an array using insertion sort. 
  5. Write a program to demonstrate timer ctrl. 
  6. Design an application which performs the following operations on the database; The form using ADO a0add b0update c)delete\
  7. Draw E-R diagrams & Relational schema and create a table in database for employee of company. 
  8. Write a Shell script to read a file name and change the existing file permissions. 
  9. Create a class called 'EMPLOYEE' that has 
    • EMPCODE and EMPNAME as data members
    • member function getdata() to input data
    • member function display() to output data

Topics you need to cover for Skill test ≡

  1. Programming languages such as OOPs through C++,  C language, Java, PHP
  2. Microsoft Office
  3. DBMS, Data Structures, MYSQL database connection
  4. Multimedia and Graphical User Interface
  5. Web Designing
  6. Linux Administration
  7. Computer Networking concepts
  8. Computer Troubleshooting
  9. Network security
  10. Checking system IP and subnet, Configuring a system to desired IP address and subnet
  11. Set up a proxy server and proxy in browser
  12. Database, MySQL, insertion, sorting & hasing programming concepts
  13. Identifying network devices and write about that
  14. MS Office etc

**Please note that I am providing these questions and topics for only reference. But in skill they may ask anything. They may go for new topics. 

Let us C++ by Famous author Yashavant Kanetkar
Indian writer

Dear aspirants, after finishing your Skill test, Please come and share your experience in the comments because it helps for other aspirants.

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  1. Dear aspirants, after finishing your Skill test, Please come and share your experience in the comments because it helps for other aspirants.
