Hey guys take an example of printing of a document how would a computer perform printing if we select print option shown on the screen?
How would a computer work and run?
Computer need instructions to run and perform tasks. Instructions are written by human and set in the computer. So that a computer works. Set of instructions is called a Program and set of programs is called a software. Yes, the software is really essential to run the computer.
Then how can we write the software. A software can be only written by computer programming language. One such Computer programming language is C programming language.
We have many codes or programming languages to write a software. Programming Languages are mainly divided into two types. They are Low level language and High level language.
Low level Language::
Low level Language is referred as computer's native language. There are two types of low level languages. They are Machine code and Assembly language.
(i) Machine code::
Thus language consists of only 0 & 1s and it is directly understood by the computers. This is very difficult to write or debug. This is also known as Binary Language.
(ii) Assembly language::
Assembly language is a intermediate language between high level language and Machine language. Assembly language use some mnemonics (short abbreviations) to instruct the computer. Each mnemonic code has a instruction.
LDA - Load value from a memory address
STA - Stores a value in a memory address
ADD - Adds value in a memory address
SUB - Subtracts value held in the memory address.
MOV - Moves the contents to one memory address to another memory address
Eg:: Pascal, COBAL, C, C++, Java, Python etc
Introduction to C::
C is a computer programming language. C was invented in 1972. It is the oldest programming language; even we are using it today.
C was written by a person called Dennis Ritchie at Bell Telephone Laboratories between 1972 and 1973 for designing UNIX operating systems.
History of C programming::
C is derived from the earlier language B. B is derived from Basic Combined Programming Language(BCPL). BCPL is derived from ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language).
The name of C is given to this language because it is derived from B.(C was successor of B)
Programming Language |
Published year |
Develoed by |
ALGOL | 1960 | International Group |
BCPL | 1967 | Martin Richard |
B | 1970 | Ken Thompson |
Traditional C | 1972 | Dennis Ritchie |
K&R C | 1978 | Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie |
ANSI C | 1989 | ANSI Committee |
ANSI/ ISO C | 1990 | ISO Committee |
- For developing desktop applications
- For designing Operating systems and Compilers.
- Operating systems such as Apple’s OS X, Microsoft’s Windows, and Symbian are developed using ‘C’ language. It is used for developing desktop as well as mobile phone’s operating system.
- For developing games and browsers.
- Most of the applications of Adobe are developed using C language.
- Used to write embedded systems.