Kali Linux - Wireless Attacks

Kali Linux - Wireless Attacks

Fern Wifi Cracker

Fern Wifi Cracker is one of the most popular tools in Kali Linux for cracking wireless networks. It supports monitoring mode, which is essential for wireless penetration testing.

Steps to Use Fern Wifi Cracker

  1. Turn your wireless card into monitoring mode by typing airmon-ng start wlan0 in the terminal.
  2. Open Fern Wifi Cracker: Applications → Wireless Attacks → Fern Wireless Cracker.
  3. Select the wireless card and click "Scan for Access Points".
  4. Choose the network (e.g., WPA) and provide a wordlist for the dictionary attack.
  5. Click "Wifi Attack" to begin the process.
  6. Once the attack is complete, the password will be displayed.


Kismet is an advanced network analysis tool that works as a sniffer, intrusion detection system, and network detector. It can identify hidden networks and requires monitoring mode support.

Steps to Use Kismet

  1. Enable monitoring mode: airmon-ng start wlan0.
  2. Open Kismet: kismet.
  3. Accept to start the Kismet server and leave startup options as default.
  4. Define the wireless card source (e.g., wlan0) and begin network sniffing.
  5. Click on a detected network to view detailed information.


GISKismet is a visualization tool that works with data from Kismet. It uses SQLite databases and Google Earth to provide geographic representation of wireless networks.

Steps to Use GISKismet

  1. Open GISKismet: Applications → Wireless Attacks → GISKismet.
  2. Import the Kismet-generated netXML file: giskismet -x filename.netxml.
  3. Use Google Earth to visualize the data by opening the generated file.

Ghost Phisher

Ghost Phisher is a tool for creating fake wireless access points to perform Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks.

Steps to Use Ghost Phisher

  1. Open Ghost Phisher: Applications → Wireless Attacks → Ghost Phisher.
  2. Configure the fake AP by providing details like SSID, IP address, and password.
  3. Start the fake AP and capture traffic for analysis.


Wifite is an automated tool for cracking WEP, WPA, and WPS networks. It scans and attacks multiple networks in sequence.

Steps to Use Wifite

  1. Ensure the wireless card is in monitoring mode.
  2. Open Wifite: Applications → Wireless Attacks → Wifite.
  3. Scan networks: wifite --showb.
  4. Start attacks by pressing Ctrl + C and selecting a network.
  5. Retrieve the cracked key once the attack is complete.

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