100 rules you should follow from the Holy Bible

  1. Love to live honestly.

  2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

  3. God is always represented as actions done by you. (So do good, go good). God does not need your worship but instead he needs your pure honesty nature.

  4. Keep the Sabbath day holy (you should not kill any animanl, avoid eating meat, etc ). Sabbath means the seventh day of the week observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening as a day of rest and worship by Jews and some Christians

  5. Honor your parents.

  6. Do not murder. (Even yourself)

  7. Do not commit adultery.

  8. Do not steal.

  9. Do not bear false witness.

  10. Do not covet what belongs to others.

  11. Speak the truth in love.

  12. Treat others with kindness and compassion.

  13. Be patient and slow to anger.

  14. Forgive others as God has forgiven you.

  15. Do not seek revenge or hold a grudge.

  16. Do not judge others harshly.

  17. Do not gossip or spread rumors.

  18. Be content with what you have.

  19. Be generous and give to those in need.

  20. Do not cheat or deceive others.

  21. Work hard and diligently.

  22. Rest and take time to recharge.

  23. Use your talents and abilities to serve others.

  24. Be humble and not proud.

  25. Do not be envious of others.

  26. Avoid sexual immorality.

  27. Respect the sanctity of marriage.

  28. Do not use God's name in vain.

  29. Obey the law and authority.

  30. Pray regularly and seek God's guidance.

  31. Do not worry or be anxious.

  32. Trust in God's provision and care.

  33. Be truthful and honest in all your dealings.

  34. Do not engage in drunkenness or substance abuse.

  35. Do not participate in occult practices or witchcraft.

  36. Be respectful and courteous to others.

  37. Honor and care for the elderly.

  38. Be kind and gentle to children and animals.

  39. Do not be greedy or materialistic.

  40. Do not participate in corrupt or dishonest activities.

  41. Be loyal and faithful in your relationships.

  42. Avoid harmful and destructive behaviors.

  43. Be wise and discerning in your decisions.

  44. Do not be lazy or idle.

  45. Do not be boastful or arrogant.

  46. Be grateful and thankful for what you have.

  47. Do not be selfish or self-centered.

  48. Be a peacemaker and seek reconciliation.

  49. Do not discriminate or show favoritism.

  50. Do not take advantage of the vulnerable or oppressed.

  51. Be hospitable and welcoming to others.

  52. Do not engage in pornography or sexual exploitation.

  53. Do not be overly concerned with worldly wealth and possessions.

  54. Do not be unfaithful or disloyal to others.

  55. Be responsible and accountable for your actions.

  56. Do not be rude or disrespectful.

  57. Be truthful and transparent in your communication.

  58. Do not manipulate or deceive others.

  59. Be respectful of other cultures and traditions.

  60. Do not be hypocritical or pharisaical.

  61. Do not be judgmental or critical of others.

  62. Be gracious and forgiving to those who offend you.

  63. Do not be a stumbling block to others.

  64. Be respectful of authority and leadership.

  65. Do not exploit or abuse others for personal gain.

  66. Be patient and long-suffering.

  67. Do not be self-righteous or legalistic.

  68. Be diligent and persistent in your efforts.

  69. Do not be disrespectful of God's creation.

  70. Be disciplined and self-controlled.

  71. Do not be arrogant or overconfident.

  72. Be respectful and considerate of others' feelings.

  73. Do not engage in gossip or slander.

  74. Be generous and compassionate to the poor and needy.

  75. Do not be materialistic or greedy.

  76. Be trustworthy and reliable in your commitments.

  77. Do not be envious or jealous of others.

  78. Be empathetic and understanding towards others.

  79. Do not hold grudges or seek revenge.

  80. Be respectful of the dignity and worth of every human being.

  81. Do not be impatient or impulsive.

  82. Be discerning and wise in your decision-making.

  83. Do not indulge in excessive or unhealthy behavior.

  84. Be respectful of cultural and ethnic diversity.

  85. Do not be a people pleaser or seek approval from others.

  86. Be accountable for your mistakes and seek forgiveness.

  87. Do not be a busybody or meddle in other people's affairs.

  88. Be kind and compassionate towards animals.

  89. Do not be a slave to material possessions.

  90. Be respectful of the environment and natural resources.

  91. Do not be prideful or boastful.

  92. Be a peacemaker and avoid unnecessary conflict.

  93. Do not engage in dishonest or fraudulent practices.

  94. Be responsible and accountable for your finances.

  95. Do not be overly concerned with outward appearances.

  96. Be respectful of different opinions and beliefs.

  97. Do not gossip or spread rumors.

  98. Be honest and transparent in your dealings.

  99. Do not be greedy or selfish in your relationships.

  100. Be a servant leader and strive to serve others.

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