Python Program to check whether a number is Armstrong or not for any number of digits

#I took indentation 3 
#taking input number from user 

number = int(input("Enter a number:: "))

#Now I need to know no. of digits in number
n = number
count = 0
while(n != 0):
   n = n//10 
   count += 1

#This print statement just to understand no.of digits in the number

print("No. of digits in your number are ", count)

#Count is now storing no. of digits

n = number
result = 0
while n != 0 :
   remainder = n%10
   result = result + remainder ** count
   n = n//10
if number == result :
   print(number," is an Armstrong number")
else :
   print(number," is not an Armstrong number")

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