125+ Operating Systems Mutiple Choice Questions for competitive exams

What is the purpose of an operating system?

A. To manage hardware resources

B. To manage software resources

C. To manage both hardware and software resources

D. None of the above

Answer: C. To manage both hardware and software resources.

What is a process?

A. A program in execution

B. A program that is waiting for execution

C. A program that has completed execution

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A program in execution.

What is a kernel?

A. The core part of an operating system

B. A shell that provides a user interface to an operating system

C. A device driver

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The core part of an operating system.

What is a deadlock?

A. A situation where two or more processes are blocked forever, waiting for each other

B. A situation where a process is blocked temporarily

C. A situation where a process has completed execution

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A situation where two or more processes are blocked forever, waiting for each other.

What is a semaphore?

A. A variable used for synchronizing access to shared resources

B. An algorithm used for scheduling processes

C. A data structure used for interprocess communication

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A variable used for synchronizing access to shared resources.

What is virtual memory?

A. A memory management technique that allows a computer to be able to compensate for shortages of physical memory

B. A type of memory that is not physically present on a computer

C. A memory management technique that divides physical memory into equal partitions

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique that allows a computer to be able to compensate for shortages of physical memory.

What is a process scheduling algorithm?

A. An algorithm used by the operating system to determine which process should be executed next

B. An algorithm used by the operating system to determine the order in which files should be stored on a disk

C. An algorithm used by the operating system to determine how memory should be allocated to processes

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm used by the operating system to determine which process should be executed next.

What is a file system?

A. A method of organizing and retrieving files stored on a computer's hard drive

B. A method of organizing and retrieving data stored on a network

C. A method of organizing and retrieving files stored on a floppy disk

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A method of organizing and retrieving files stored on a computer's hard drive.

What is a thread?

A. A basic unit of a process

B. A type of process that runs independently of other processes

C. A unit of scheduling within a process

D. None of the above

Answer: C. A unit of scheduling within a process.

What is a page replacement algorithm?

A. An algorithm used by the operating system to determine which page in memory should be replaced when a new page needs to be loaded

B. An algorithm used by the operating system to determine the order in which pages should be stored on a disk

C. An algorithm used by the operating system to determine how pages should be allocated in memory

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm used by the operating system to determine which page in memory should be replaced when a new page needs to be loaded.

What is the purpose of file protection in an operating system?

A. To prevent unauthorized access to files

B. To prevent unauthorized modification of files

C. To prevent unauthorized deletion of files

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

What is a system call?

A. A call made by a user-level program to request service from the operating system

B. A call made by the operating system to request service from a device driver

C. A call made by the operating system to request service from a user-level program

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A call made by a user-level program to request service from the operating system.

What is a device driver?

A. A program that controls a specific device

B. A program that provides an interface between an operating system and a device

C. A program that communicates directly with a device

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

What is a system program?

A. A program that is part of the operating system

B. A program that is used to manage the operating system

C. A program that is used to control the behavior of the operating system

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

What is a virtual machine?

A. An operating system that runs as a guest on a host operating system

B. A program that emulates a physical computer

C. A computer that runs on virtual hardware

D. All of the above

Answer: B. A program that emulates a physical computer.

What is demand paging?

A. A memory management technique where pages are loaded into memory only when they are needed

B. A memory management technique where pages are loaded into memory at system boot time

C. A memory management technique where pages are loaded into memory in a predefined order

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique where pages are loaded into memory only when they are needed.

What is a symbolic link?

A. A shortcut to a file or directory in a file system

B. A type of file that contains the actual data of another file

C. A type of file that contains a list of files

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A shortcut to a file or directory in a file system.

What is a pipeline?

A. A technique for executing multiple processes concurrently where the output of one process serves as the input to the next

B. A technique for executing a single process concurrently on multiple processors

C. A technique for executing multiple processes concurrently where each process runs on a separate processor

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A technique for executing multiple processes concurrently where the output of one process serves as the input to the next.

What is a interrupt?

A. A signal sent to the operating system by a device to request service

B. A signal sent to the operating system by a process to request service

C. A signal sent by the operating system to a device to request service

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A signal sent to the operating system by a device to request service.

What is swapping?

A. A technique for temporarily transferring a process from main memory to disk

B. A technique for temporarily transferring data from disk to main memory

C. A technique for temporarily transferring data from main memory to a cache

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A technique for temporarily transferring a process from main memory to disk.

What is a semaphore?

A. A variable used to control access to shared resources in a concurrent system

B. A variable used to control access to a critical section of code in a concurrent system

C. A variable used to control the execution order of processes in a concurrent system

D. All of the above

Answer: A. A variable used to control access to shared resources in a concurrent system.

What is a deadlock?

A. A situation in a concurrent system where two or more processes are blocked waiting for each other to release resources

B. A situation in a concurrent system where two or more processes are blocked waiting for each other to finish execution

C. A situation in a concurrent system where two or more processes are blocked waiting for the operating system to release resources

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A situation in a concurrent system where two or more processes are blocked waiting for each other to release resources.

What is a critical section?

A. A section of code that accesses shared resources and must be executed by only one process at a time

B. A section of code that performs a critical operation and must not be interrupted by the operating system

C. A section of code that performs a critical operation and must be executed by only one process at a time

D. All of the above

Answer: C. A section of code that performs a critical operation and must be executed by only one process at a time.

What is a daemon?

A. A background process that runs on a Unix-like operating system

B. A foreground process that runs on a Unix-like operating system

C. A process that runs on a Windows operating system

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A background process that runs on a Unix-like operating system.

What is a boot loader?

A. A program that loads the operating system into memory and starts its execution

B. A program that configures the system hardware and starts the operating system

C. A program that loads the device drivers and starts the operating system

D. All of the above

Answer: A. A program that loads the operating system into memory and starts its execution.

What is a page fault?

A. An event in a demand paging memory management system that occurs when a process references a page that is not currently in memory

B. An event in a memory management system that occurs when a process tries to access a page that is not accessible

C. An event in a memory management system that occurs when a process tries to modify a read-only page

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An event in a demand paging memory management system that occurs when a process references a page that is not currently in memory.

What is a file system?

A. A data structure used to store and organize files on a storage device

B. A data structure used to store and organize directories on a storage device

C. A data structure used to store and organize processes on a storage device

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A data structure used to store and organize files on a storage device.

What is a process?

A. A program in execution

B. A program that is ready to run

C. A program that is waiting for an event

D. All of the above

Answer: A. A program in execution.

What is a file descriptor?

A. A unique identifier used to access a file in a file system

B. A data structure used to represent a file in a file system

C. A data structure used to represent a process in a process table

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A unique identifier used to access a file in a file system.

What is a system call?

A. A request made by a user-level process to the operating system to perform a specific service

B. A request made by the operating system to a user-level process to perform a specific service

C. A request made by a device driver to the operating system to perform a specific service

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A request made by a user-level process to the operating system to perform a specific service.

What is a shell?

A. A user interface that allows users to interact with an operating system

B. A program that provides a command line interface for users to interact with an operating system

C. A program that provides a graphical user interface for users to interact with an operating system

D. All of the above

Answer: B. A program that provides a command line interface for users to interact with an operating system.

What is a pipeline?

A. A mechanism used to execute multiple processes in parallel

B. A mechanism used to execute multiple processes in sequence

C. A mechanism used to execute a single process in parallel

D. None of the above

Answer: B. A mechanism used to execute multiple processes in sequence.

What is a thread?

A. A lightweight process that shares the same address space with other threads in the same process

B. A lightweight process that has its own address space

C. A heavyweight process that shares the same address space with other threads in the same process

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A lightweight process that shares the same address space with other threads in the same process.

What is a context switch?

A. The process of switching from executing one process to executing another

B. The process of switching from executing one thread to executing another

C. The process of switching from executing one program to executing another

D. All of the above

Answer: A. The process of switching from executing one process to executing another.

What is virtual memory?

A. A technique that allows a process to access more memory than is physically available in the system

B. A technique that allows a process to access less memory than is physically available in the system

C. A technique that allows a process to access only the memory that is physically available in the system

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A technique that allows a process to access more memory than is physically available in the system.

What is the purpose of memory management in an operating system?

A. To manage the physical memory of a system

B. To manage the virtual memory of a system

C. To allocate and deallocate memory dynamically to processes as needed

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

What is the difference between a process and a thread?

A. A process has its own memory space while a thread shares the memory space with other threads in the same process

B. A process has its own address space while a thread shares the address space with other threads in the same process

C. A process can execute multiple threads while a thread can only execute a single process

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A process has its own memory space while a thread shares the memory space with other threads in the same process.

What is a semaphore?

A. A data structure used for synchronization between processes

B. A data structure used for synchronization between threads

C. A data structure used for synchronization between programs

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A data structure used for synchronization between processes.

What is a deadlock?

A. A situation in which two or more processes are blocked indefinitely because each is waiting for the other to release a resource

B. A situation in which two or more processes are blocked temporarily because each is waiting for the other to release a resource

C. A situation in which two or more processes are blocked because they are executing the same instruction

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A situation in which two or more processes are blocked indefinitely because each is waiting for the other to release a resource.

What is a zombie process?

A. A process that has completed execution but still has an entry in the process table

B. A process that is executing but has no entry in the process table

C. A process that has been suspended but still has an entry in the process table

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A process that has completed execution but still has an entry in the process table.

What is a file system in an operating system?

A. A method for storing and organizing files and directories on a storage device

B. A method for storing and organizing processes in memory

C. A method for storing and organizing data in memory

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A method for storing and organizing files and directories on a storage device.

What is paging in an operating system?

A. A method of virtual memory management that allows a process to access more memory than is physically available

B. A method of memory management that allows a process to access only the memory that is physically available

C. A method of disk space management that allows a process to access more disk space than is physically available

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A method of virtual memory management that allows a process to access more memory than is physically available.

What is fragmentation in a file system?

A. A condition in which the blocks of a file are scattered across the disk instead of being contiguous

B. A condition in which the blocks of a file are contiguous on the disk

C. A condition in which the blocks of a file are stored in the same place on the disk

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A condition in which the blocks of a file are scattered across the disk instead of being contiguous.

What is a inode in a Unix-based file system?

A. A data structure that stores information about a file or directory

B. A data structure that stores information about a process

C. A data structure that stores information about memory management

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A data structure that stores information about a file or directory.

What is directory in a file system?

A. A special type of file that contains a list of other files and directories

B. A special type of process that contains a list of other processes

C. A special type of memory that contains a list of other memory blocks

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A special type of file that contains a list of other files and directories.

What is a kernel in an operating system?

A. The core part of the operating system that manages hardware resources and provides basic services to other parts of the system

B. The graphical user interface of the operating system

C. The application layer of the operating system

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The core part of the operating system that manages hardware resources and provides basic services to other parts of the system.

What is multiprogramming in an operating system?

A. The ability of an operating system to run multiple programs simultaneously

B. The ability of an operating system to run a single program at a time

C. The ability of an operating system to switch between programs quickly

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The ability of an operating system to run multiple programs simultaneously.

What is virtual memory in an operating system?

A. A type of memory management that allows a process to access more memory than is physically available by temporarily transferring data from RAM to disk

B. A type of memory management that allows a process to access only the memory that is physically available

C. A type of memory management that permanently transfers data from RAM to disk

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A type of memory management that allows a process to access more memory than is physically available by temporarily transferring data from RAM to disk.

What is a process control block (PCB) in an operating system?

A. A data structure that stores information about a process, including its state, priority, and resources

B. A data structure that stores information about memory management

C. A data structure that stores information about the operating system kernel

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A data structure that stores information about a process, including its state, priority, and resources.

What is demand paging in an operating system?

A. A method of virtual memory management that only loads the pages of a process into memory when they are needed

B. A method of virtual memory management that loads all pages of a process into memory at once

C. A method of virtual memory management that temporarily transfers data from disk to RAM

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A method of virtual memory management that only loads the pages of a process into memory when they are needed.

What is a swap space in an operating system?

A. A portion of a disk that is used to temporarily store data that is moved from RAM to disk

B. A portion of memory that is used to temporarily store data that is moved from disk to RAM

C. A portion of disk that is used to store permanent data

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A portion of a disk that is used to temporarily store data that is moved from RAM to disk.

What is a file descriptor in an operating system?

A. An integer value that is used to identify a file or a device in the file system

B. A string value that is used to identify a file or a device in the file system

C. A data structure that is used to store information about a file or a device in the file system

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An integer value that is used to identify a file or a device in the file system.

What is deadlock in an operating system?

A. A situation in which two or more processes are unable to continue executing because each process is waiting for a resource that is held by another process

B. A situation in which two or more processes are executing simultaneously

C. A situation in which two or more processes are unable to continue executing because each process is waiting for input from the user

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A situation in which two or more processes are unable to continue executing because each process is waiting for a resource that is held by another process.

What is starvation in an operating system?

A. A situation in which a process is unable to obtain the resources it needs to complete its execution

B. A situation in which a process is unable to complete its execution because of a deadlock

C. A situation in which a process is unable to complete its execution because of a lack of memory

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A situation in which a process is unable to obtain the resources it needs to complete its execution.

What is an interrupt in an operating system?

A. A signal sent to the operating system by a device or an event indicating the need for attention or a request for a service

B. A signal sent by the operating system to a device indicating the need for attention or a request for a service

C. A signal sent between two processes indicating the need for attention or a request for a service

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A signal sent to the operating system by a device or an event indicating the need for attention or a request for a service.

What is a process scheduler in an operating system?

A. A component of the operating system that determines which process should be executed next

B. A component of the operating system that determines the priority of processes

C. A component of the operating system that allocates resources to processes

D. All of the above

Answer: A. A component of the operating system that determines which process should be executed next.

What is a context switch in an operating system?

A. The process of saving the current state of a process and loading the state of another process

B. The process of allocating resources to a process

C. The process of creating a new process

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The process of saving the current state of a process and loading the state of another process.

What is a semaphore in an operating system?

A. An integer variable that is used to coordinate access to a shared resource by multiple processes

B. An array that is used to store information about processes

C. An array that is used to store information about memory management

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An integer variable that is used to coordinate access to to a shared resource by multiple processes.

What is the purpose of a file system in an operating system?

A. To manage and organize files and directories on a storage device

B. To manage the resources of a computer, such as CPU time and memory

C. To manage and coordinate the activities of multiple processes

D. None of the above

Answer: A. To manage and organize files and directories on a storage device.

What is virtual memory in an operating system?

A. A memory management technique that allows a computer to be able to compensate for shortages of physical memory by temporarily transferring pages of data from random access memory to disk storage

B. A memory management technique that allows a computer to access more memory than is physically available in the computer

C. A memory management technique that allows a computer to allocate more memory to a process than is physically available in the computer

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique that allows a computer to be able to compensate for shortages of physical memory by temporarily transferring pages of data from random access memory to disk storage.

What is paging in an operating system?

A. A memory management technique that divides a process's virtual address space into fixed-sized pages

B. A memory management technique that divides physical memory into fixed-sized frames

C. A memory management technique that allocates memory dynamically to a process as it requires it

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique that divides a process's virtual address space into fixed-sized pages.

What is segmentation in an operating system?

A. A memory management technique that divides a process's virtual address space into fixed-sized segments

B. A memory management technique that divides physical memory into fixed-sized frames

C. A memory management technique that allocates memory dynamically to a process as it requires it

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique that divides a process's virtual address space into fixed-sized segments.

What is a system call in an operating system?

A. A request made by a process to the operating system for a service or resource

B. A request made by the operating system to a process for a service or resource

C. A request made by the user to the operating system for a service or resource

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A request made by a process to the operating system for a service or resource.

What is demand paging in an operating system?

A. A memory management technique in which pages are loaded into physical memory only when they are requested by a process

B. A memory management technique in which pages are loaded into virtual memory only when they are requested by a process

C. A memory management technique in which pages are loaded into physical memory in advance, before they are requested by a process

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique in which pages are loaded into physical memory only when they are requested by a process.

What is CPU scheduling in an operating system?

A. The process of determining which process will be executed by the CPU next

B. The process of determining which process will be loaded into memory next

C. The process of determining which process will receive more CPU time than other processes

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The process of determining which process will be executed by the CPU next.

What is a preemptive scheduling algorithm in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm in which the operating system can interrupt a process that is running on the CPU and replace it with another process

B. An algorithm in which the operating system cannot interrupt a process that is running on the CPU

C. An algorithm in which the operating system assigns a fixed amount of CPU time to each process

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm in which the operating system can interrupt a process that is running on the CPU and replace it with another process.

What is a non-preemptive scheduling algorithm in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm in which the operating system cannot interrupt a process that is running on the CPU

B. An algorithm in which the operating system can interrupt a process that is running on the CPU and replace it with another process

C. An algorithm in which the operating system assigns a fixed amount of CPU time to each process

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm in which the operating system cannot interrupt a process that is running on the CPU.

What is the Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm that schedules the process with the shortest execution time to be executed next

B. An algorithm that schedules the process with the longest execution time to be executed next

C. An algorithm that schedules processes randomly

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm that schedules the process with the shortest execution time to be executed next.

What is the Round Robin scheduling algorithm in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm that allocates a fixed amount of CPU time to each process in a cyclic order

B. An algorithm that schedules the process with the shortest execution time to be executed next

C. An algorithm that schedules processes randomly

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm that allocates a fixed amount of CPU time to each process in a cyclic order.

What is a Priority scheduling algorithm in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their priority levels, where a higher priority process is executed before a lower priority process

B. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their execution time, where the shortest execution time process is executed first

C. An algorithm that schedules processes randomly

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their priority levels, where a higher priority process is executed before a lower priority process.

What is the advantage of Priority scheduling algorithm over other scheduling algorithms?

A. It ensures that the most important process is executed first

B. It ensures that the least important process is executed first

C. It ensures that processes are executed randomly

D. None of the above

Answer: A. It ensures that the most important process is executed first.

What is the disadvantage of Priority scheduling algorithm?

A. It may lead to starvation of lower priority processes if higher priority processes keep executing for a long time

B. It may lead to unfair treatment of higher priority processes

C. It may lead to improper utilization of CPU time

D. None of the above

Answer: A. It may lead to starvation of lower priority processes if higher priority processes keep executing for a long time.

What is the aging technique used in Priority scheduling algorithm?

A. A technique in which the priority of a process is increased if it has been waiting for a long time

B. A technique in which the priority of a process is decreased if it has been waiting for a long time

C. A technique in which the priority of a process is not changed

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A technique in which the priority of a process is increased if it has been waiting for a long time.

What is the Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their fair share of CPU time

B. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their priority levels

C. An algorithm that schedules processes randomly

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their fair share of CPU time.

What is the Round Robin scheduling algorithm in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their arrival time

B. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their priority levels

C. An algorithm that schedules processes in a cyclic order, giving each process a small unit of time to execute

D. None of the above

Answer: C. An algorithm that schedules processes in a cyclic order, giving each process a small unit of time to execute.

What is the advantage of Round Robin scheduling algorithm?

A. It provides a good balance between response time and fairness

B. It prioritizes the execution of processes with a higher priority

C. It leads to improper utilization of CPU time

D. None of the above

Answer: A. It provides a good balance between response time and fairness.

What is the disadvantage of Round Robin scheduling algorithm?

A. It may cause increased overhead due to frequent context switching

B. It may lead to starvation of low priority processes

C. It may lead to unequal distribution of CPU time

D. All of the above

Answer: A. It may cause increased overhead due to frequent context switching.

What is a Multi-Level Queue scheduling algorithm in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm that schedules processes based on multiple priority levels

B. An algorithm that schedules processes in a random order

C. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their execution time

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm that schedules processes based on multiple priority levels.

What is the advantage of Multi-Level Queue scheduling algorithm?

A. It provides a good balance between response time and fairness

B. It prioritizes the execution of processes with a higher priority

C. It leads to improper utilization of CPU time

D. None of the above

Answer: B. It prioritizes the execution of processes with a higher priority.

What is the disadvantage of Multi-Level Queue scheduling algorithm?

A. It may cause increased overhead due to frequent context switching

B. It may lead to starvation of low priority processes

C. It may lead to unequal distribution of CPU time

D. All of the above

Answer: B. It may lead to starvation of low priority processes.

What is the Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm in CPU scheduling?

A. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their priority levels

B. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their arrival time

C. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their execution time, where the shortest execution time process is executed first

D. None of the above

Answer: C. An algorithm that schedules processes based on their execution time, where the shortest execution time process is executed first.

What is the advantage of Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm?

A. It provides a good balance between response time and fairness

B. It minimizes the average waiting time for processes

C. It leads to improper utilization of CPU time

D. None of the above

Answer: B. It minimizes the average waiting time for processes.

What is the disadvantage of Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm?

A. It may cause increased overhead due to frequent context switching

B. It is not suitable for real-time systems as the execution time of a process may change dynamically

C. It may lead to starvation of longer processes

D. All of the above

Answer: B. It is not suitable for real-

What is the FCFS (First-Come-First-Served) disk scheduling algorithm?

A. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on their arrival time

B. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on their priority levels

C. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on their cylinder number

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on their arrival time.

What is the advantage of FCFS disk scheduling algorithm?

A. It is simple to implement

B. It minimizes the average waiting time for disk requests

C. It maximizes disk utilization

D. None of the above

Answer: A. It is simple to implement.

What is the disadvantage of FCFS disk scheduling algorithm?

A. It may lead to long wait times for disk requests, particularly if there is a large gap between the head and the next disk request

B. It is not suitable for real-time systems as disk requests may change dynamically

C. It may lead to unfair distribution of disk time

D. All of the above

Answer: A. It may lead to long wait times for disk requests, particularly if there is a large gap between the head and the next disk request.

What is the SSTF (Shortest Seek Time First) disk scheduling algorithm?

A. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on their priority levels

B. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on their arrival time

C. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on the minimum seek time from the current head position

D. None of the above

Answer: C. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on the minimum seek time from the current head position.

What is the advantage of SSTF disk scheduling algorithm?

A. It provides good performance compared to FCFS

B. It is simple to implement

C. It minimizes the average waiting time for disk requests

D. None of the above

Answer: A. It provides good performance compared to FCFS.

What is the disadvantage of SSTF disk scheduling algorithm?

A. It may lead to starvation of some disk requests

B. It is not suitable for real-time systems as disk requests may change dynamically

C. It may lead to unfair distribution of disk time

D. All of the above

Answer: A. It may lead to starvation of some disk requests.

What is the SCAN (Elevator) disk scheduling algorithm?

A. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on their priority levels

B. An algorithm that schedules disk requests based on their arrival time

C. An algorithm that schedules disk requests by moving the disk head in a single direction until the end of the disk, and then moving it in the opposite direction to service the remaining requests

D. None of the above

Answer: C. An algorithm that schedules disk requests by moving the disk head in a single direction until the end of the disk, and then moving it in the opposite direction to service the remaining requests.

What is the advantage of SCAN disk scheduling algorithm?

A. It provides good performance compared to other disk scheduling algorithms

B. It is simple to implement

C. It minimizes the average waiting time for disk requests

D. None of the above

Answer: A. It provides good performance compared to other disk scheduling algorithms.

What is the main advantage of using overlay networks in operating systems?

A. Improved performance of the network

B. Enhanced security of the network

C. Additional functionality for network applications

D. All of the above

Answer: C. Additional functionality for network applications.

What is the primary goal of deadlock avoidance in Operating Systems?

A. To prevent deadlocks from occurring

B. To identify and resolve deadlocks that have already occurred

C. To increase resource utilization in the system

D. None of the above

Answer: A. To prevent deadlocks from occurring.

What is the main characteristic of a deadlock in Operating Systems?

A. A system where multiple processes are blocked and cannot make any further progress

B. A system where multiple processes are running at the same time

C. A system where multiple processes are waiting for the same resource

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A system where multiple processes are blocked and cannot make any further progress.

Which of the following is not a necessary condition for deadlock to occur in a system?

A. Mutual exclusion

B. Hold and Wait

C. No preemption

D. Circular Wait

Answer: C. No preemption.

What is the main disadvantage of deadlocks in Operating Systems?

A. They can lead to decreased system performance

B. They can cause the system to hang or crash

C. They can increase resource utilization in the system

D. None of the above

Answer: B. They can cause the system to hang or crash.

How can deadlocks be prevented in Operating Systems?

A. By avoiding mutual exclusion

B. By avoiding hold and wait

C. By avoiding circular wait

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

What is the most common approach to dealing with deadlocks in Operating Systems?

A. Deadlock avoidance

B. Deadlock detection and resolution

C. Deadlock prevention

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Deadlock detection and resolution.

What is the main goal of deadlock detection in Operating Systems?

A. To prevent deadlocks from occurring

B. To identify and resolve deadlocks that have already occurred

C. To increase resource utilization in the system

D. None of the above

Answer: B. To identify and resolve deadlocks that have already occurred.

How can deadlocks be resolved in Operating Systems?

A. By releasing one or more resources

B. By killing one or more processes

C. By both releasing resources and killing processes

D. None of the above

Answer: C. By both releasing resources and killing processes.

What is the main disadvantage of deadlock avoidance in Operating Systems?

A. It can lead to decreased system performance

B. It can cause the system to hang or crash

C. It can be more complex to implement than other approaches

D. None of the above

Answer: C. It can be more complex to implement than other approaches.

What is the main advantage of deadlock prevention in Operating Systems?

A. It can prevent deadlocks from occurring

B. It can identify and resolve deadlocks that have already occurred

C. It can increase resource utilization in the system

D. None of the above

Answer: A. It can prevent deadlocks from occurring.

What is paging in Operating Systems?

A. A memory management technique used to divide a process into fixed-sized pages

B. A technique used to transfer data between disk and memory

C. A technique used to allocate memory dynamically

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique used to divide a process into fixed-sized pages.

What is the main advantage of paging in Operating Systems?

A. It allows for more efficient use of memory resources

B. It allows for faster memory access times

C. It simplifies memory management

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

How does paging in Operating Systems prevent external fragmentation?

A. By dividing memory into fixed-sized pages

B. By allocating memory dynamically

C. By transferring data between disk and memory

D. None of the above

Answer: A. By dividing memory into fixed-sized pages.

What is the main disadvantage of paging in Operating Systems?

A. It can lead to increased internal fragmentation

B. It can cause decreased system performance

C. It can be more complex to implement than other memory management techniques

D. All of the above

Answer: A. It can lead to increased internal fragmentation.

What is internal fragmentation in Operating Systems?

A. The unused memory within a page that is not put to use

B. The unused memory outside of a page that is not put to use

C. The unused memory within a process that is not put to use

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The unused memory within a page that is not put to use.

How can internal fragmentation in Operating Systems be reduced?

A. By using larger page sizes

B. By using smaller page sizes

C. By using dynamic memory allocation

D. None of the above

Answer: B. By using smaller page sizes.

What is the main goal of demand paging in Operating Systems?

A. To load pages into memory only when they are needed

B. To pre-load all pages into memory

C. To load pages into memory randomly

D. None of the above

Answer: A. To load pages into memory only when they are needed.

What is the main goal of prepaging in Operating Systems?

A. To load pages into memory only when they are needed

B. To pre-load all pages into memory

C. To load pages into memory randomly

D. None of the above

Answer: B. To pre-load all pages into memory.

What is the main goal of swapping in Operating Systems?

A. To move a process from memory to disk

B. To move a process from disk to memory

C. To move pages between memory and disk

D. None of the above

Answer: A. To move a process from memory to disk.

What is the main advantage of swapping in Operating Systems?

A. It allows for more efficient use of memory resources

B. It allows for faster memory access times

C. It simplifies memory management

D. All of the above

Answer: A. It allows for more efficient use of memory resources.

What is segmentation in Operating Systems?

A. A memory management technique used to divide a process into fixed-sized segments

B. A technique used to transfer data between disk and memory

C. A technique used to allocate memory dynamically

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique used to divide a process into fixed-sized segments.

What is the main advantage of segmentation in Operating Systems?

A. It allows for more efficient use of memory resources

B. It allows for easier memory management

C. It allows for more flexible memory management

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

How does segmentation in Operating Systems prevent external fragmentation?

A. By dividing memory into fixed-sized segments

B. By allocating memory dynamically

C. By transferring data between disk and memory

D. None of the above

Answer: A. By dividing memory into fixed-sized segments.

What is the main disadvantage of segmentation in Operating Systems?

A. It can lead to increased internal fragmentation

B. It can be more complex to implement than other memory management techniques

C. It can cause decreased system performance

D. All of the above

Answer: B. It can be more complex to implement than other memory management techniques.

What is internal fragmentation in Operating Systems with segmentation?

A. The unused memory within a segment that is not put to use

B. The unused memory outside of a segment that is not put to use

C. The unused memory within a process that is not put to use

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The unused memory within a segment that is not put to use.

How can internal fragmentation in Operating Systems with segmentation be reduced?

A. By using larger segment sizes

B. By using smaller segment sizes

C. By using dynamic memory allocation

D. None of the above

Answer: B. By using smaller segment sizes.

What is the main goal of dynamic loading in Operating Systems with segmentation?

A. To load segments into memory only when they are needed

B. To pre-load all segments into memory

C. To load segments into memory randomly

D. None of the above

Answer: A. To load segments into memory only when they are needed.

What is the main goal of overlaying in Operating Systems with segmentation?

A. To move a process from memory to disk

B. To move a process from disk to memory

C. To move segments between memory and disk

D. None of the above

Answer: C. To move segments between memory and disk.

What is the main advantage of overlaying in Operating Systems with segmentation?

A. It allows for more efficient use of memory resources

B. It allows for easier memory management

C. It allows for more flexible memory management

D. All of the above

Answer: A. It allows for more efficient use of memory resources.

What is the main disadvantage of overlaying in Operating Systems with segmentation?

A. It can lead to increased internal fragmentation

B. It can cause decreased system performance

C. It can be more complex to implement than other memory management techniques

D. All of the above

Answer: C. It can be more complex to implement than other memory management techniques.

What is virtual memory in Operating Systems?

A. A memory management technique that enables a computer to be able to compensate for shortages of physical memory by temporarily transferring pages of data from random access memory to disk storage

B. A technique used to transfer data between disk and memory

C. A technique used to allocate memory dynamically

D. None of the above

Answer: A. A memory management technique that enables a computer to be able to compensate for shortages of physical memory by temporarily transferring pages of data from random access memory to disk storage.

What is the main advantage of virtual memory in Operating Systems?

A. It allows for more efficient use of memory resources

B. It allows for easier memory management

C. It allows for more flexible memory management

D. All of the above

Answer: A. It allows for more efficient use of memory resources.

What is the main purpose of paging in virtual memory Operating Systems?

A. To divide memory into equal-sized blocks called pages

B. To divide memory into unequal-sized blocks

C. To divide disk into equal-sized blocks called pages

D. None of the above

Answer: A. To divide memory into equal-sized blocks called pages.

What is page replacement algorithm in virtual memory Operating Systems?

A. An algorithm used to determine which page should be replaced when a new page needs to be loaded into memory

B. An algorithm used to determine which page should be transferred to disk when memory is full

C. An algorithm used to determine which page should be loaded into memory first

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An algorithm used to determine which page should be replaced when a new page needs to be loaded into memory.

What is the main goal of page replacement algorithms in virtual memory Operating Systems?

A. To minimize the number of page faults

B. To maximize the number of page faults

C. To maximize the amount of free memory

D. None of the above

Answer: A. To minimize the number of page faults.

What is the main difference between demand paging and pre-paging in virtual memory Operating Systems?

A. Demand paging loads pages into memory only when they are needed, while pre-paging loads pages into memory ahead of time

B. Demand paging loads pages into memory randomly, while pre-paging loads pages into memory in a predetermined order

C. Demand paging loads pages into disk, while pre-paging loads pages into memory

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Demand paging loads pages into memory only when they are needed, while pre-paging loads pages into memory ahead of time.

What is page fault in virtual memory Operating Systems?

A. An event that occurs when a process requests data that is not present in physical memory

B. An event that occurs when a process requests data that is present in physical memory

C. An event that occurs when a process requests data that is present in disk storage

D. None of the above

Answer: A. An event that occurs when a process requests data that is not present in physical memory.

What is the main goal of page replacement algorithms in virtual memory Operating Systems?

A. To minimize the number of page faults

B. To maximize the number of page faults

C. To maximize the amount of free memory

D. None of the above

Answer: A. To minimize the number of page faults.

What is the main goal of a page replacement algorithm?

A. To reduce the number of page faults

B. To increase the number of page faults

C. To keep the page table as small as possible

D. To increase the speed of memory access

What is the Belady's Anomaly?

A. A situation where FIFO page replacement policy causes more page faults than optimal replacement policy

B. A situation where LRU page replacement policy causes more page faults than optimal replacement policy

C. A situation where optimal page replacement policy causes more page faults than FIFO policy

D. A situation where optimal page replacement policy causes more page faults than LRU policy

Which page replacement algorithm is a practical implementation of the LRU policy?

A. Optimal page replacement algorithm

B. Clock page replacement algorithm

C. NRU page replacement algorithm

D. FIFO page replacement algorithm

Which page replacement algorithm is known to have low overhead and simplicity of implementation?

A. Working Set page replacement algorithm

B. FIFO page replacement algorithm

C. NRU page replacement algorithm

D. Clock page replacement algorithm

What is the main disadvantage of the LRU page replacement algorithm?

A. It requires a large amount of memory to maintain a list of all pages

B. It requires a large amount of computation time to maintain a list of all pages

C. It requires a large amount of disk I/O to maintain a list of all pages

D. It requires a large amount of CPU time to maintain a list of all pages

What is the difference between the FIFO page replacement algorithm and the Stack page replacement algorithm?

A. Stack page replacement algorithm is more efficient than the FIFO algorithm

B. FIFO page replacement algorithm is more efficient than the Stack algorithm

C. There is no difference between the two algorithms

D. The Stack page replacement algorithm is a variation of the FIFO algorithm

What is the main disadvantage of the Optimal page replacement algorithm?

A. It requires a large amount of memory to maintain a list of all pages

B. It requires a large amount of computation time to predict future page references

C. It requires a large amount of disk I/O to maintain a list of all pages

D. It requires a large amount of CPU time to predict future page references

Which page replacement algorithm is based on the concept of aging?

A. NRU page replacement algorithm

B. Working Set page replacement algorithm

C. FIFO page replacement algorithm

D. Clock page replacement algorithm

Which page replacement algorithm is used in the Microsoft Windows operating system?

A. FIFO page replacement algorithm

B. Optimal page replacement algorithm

C. Clock page replacement algorithm

D. LRU page replacement algorithm

What is the difference between the Working Set page replacement algorithm and the WSClock page replacement algorithm?

A. WSClock page replacement algorithm is more efficient than the Working Set algorithm

B. Working Set page replacement algorithm is more efficient than the WSClock algorithm

C. There is no difference between the two algorithms

D. The WSClock page replacement algorithm is a variation of the Working Set algorithm.

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