Multiprocessor Systems

A multiprocessor system, also known as a multi-core system, is a computer system that includes multiple processors or cores. These processors or cores can work together to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, which can lead to improved system performance.

There are two main types of multiprocessor systems:

  1. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and
  2. Asymmetric multiprocessing (ASMP).

Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)

In a symmetric multiprocessing system, also known as a tightly-coupled system, all processors have equal access to the main memory and can run any task. In this type of system, a special type of operating system, called a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) operating system, is required to manage the multiple processors and ensure that they work together efficiently.

Asymmetric multiprocessing (ASMP)

In an asymmetric multiprocessing system, also known as a loosely-coupled system, one processor, known as the master processor, handles most of the tasks, while the other processors, known as slave processors, handle specific tasks. In this type of system, a normal operating system, such as Windows or Linux, can be used, and the slave processors can be added as additional peripheral devices.

Multiprocessor systems can provide several benefits over single processor systems, including:

  • Increased performance: By distributing tasks among multiple processors, a multiprocessor system can complete more work in a shorter amount of time.
  • Increased reliability: If one processor fails, the other processors can continue to function, minimizing system downtime.
  • Improved response time: Multiprocessor systems can improve the responsiveness of the system, as tasks can be executed in parallel, rather than in sequence.

However, multiprocessor systems can also be more complex to design, implement, and maintain than single processor systems, particularly when it comes to synchronizing access to shared resources, such as memory and I/O devices.

In some cases, the Operating system used for multiprocessor system have a special scheduler called "multiprocessor scheduler" to handle the workload among multiple processors.

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