Fundamentals of Computer > Computer Terms

 What is a Computer?

A computer is an electronic device that can perform tasks, store and retrieve information, process data and run software programs.

What is Hardware?

Computer hardware refers to the physical components that make up a computer system, such as the motherboard, CPU, memory, storage, keyboard, monitor, etc. These parts work together to process and store data.

What is Software?

A software refers to the set of programs and instructions that run on computer hardware, enabling the hardware to perform specific tasks, such as operating systems, applications, games, etc.

What is Firmware?

Firmware is a type of low-level software that is embedded in a hardware device and controls its functions. It acts as an interface between the hardware and the operating system, enabling the device to work properly and perform specific tasks. Examples of devices that use firmware include smartphones, routers, and many other types of electronic devices.

What is Computer language?

A computer language is a syntax and grammar for writing instructions that a computer can understand and execute. There are various types of computer languages, such as low-level languages (e.g. Assembly), high-level languages (e.g. Python, Java), scripting languages (e.g. JavaScript, Perl), etc.

Low level language::

Low level language is referred as computer's native language. There are two types of Low level languages. They are
  1. Machine language 
  2. Assembly language 

(i) Machine language::

Machine language consists of only 0 & 1s and it is directly understood by the computer. Machine language is also called as Binary language. This language is very difficult to write or debug. 

(ii)Assembly Language::

Assembly language is a intermediate language between high level language and low level language. Assembly language use some mnemonics(short abbreviations). Each mnemonic code has a instruction. 
Eg:: LDA - loads value from Memory address 
       STA - Stores a value in Memory address
       ADD - Adds value in a Memory address
       SUB - Subtracts value held in Memory adddress
       MOV - Moves the content from one Memory address to another.

High Level language::

                                    A high level language is a advanced programming language. It is a Machine independent and resembles English language with a predefined set of rules and symbols. 
Eg:: Pascal, COBAL, C, C++, Java, Python etc

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