Explain different types of System Calls in Operating System

There are many different types of system calls that are used to perform a wide variety of tasks in an operating system. Some of the most common types of system calls include:

  1. Process management system calls: These system calls are used to create, terminate, and control processes. Examples include fork(), exec(), and wait().

  2. File management system calls: These system calls are used to create, open, read from, write to, and close files. Examples include open(), read(), write(), and close().

  3. Memory management system calls: These system calls are used to allocate and deallocate memory, as well as manipulate memory mappings. Examples include malloc(), free(), and mmap().

  4. Device management system calls: These system calls are used to interact with hardware devices such as disks, keyboards, and network interfaces. Examples include read(), write(), and ioctl().

  5. Networking system calls: These system calls are used to create and manage network connections, send and receive data over a network, and perform other networking tasks. Examples include socket(), bind(), listen(), accept(), connect(), send(), and recv().

  6. Interprocess Communication(IPC) system calls: These system calls are used to communicate between processes and share data and resources. Examples include pipe(), shmget(), shmat(), semget(), semop().

  7. System Info and User management system calls: These system calls are used to get information about the system and its current state, or to manage user accounts and permissions. Examples include getpid(), getuid(), geteuid(), setuid(), getgid(), getegid(), setgid().

These are some common system calls examples, depending on the operating system, more system calls may exist to perform other specific tasks or to handle new technologies.

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