Evolution of OOPs

 The evolution of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s when various computer scientists started exploring new programming paradigms. Some of the key milestones in the evolution of OOP include:

  1. Simula 67: First language to introduce OOP concepts like classes and objects.
  2. Smalltalk: First pure OOP language that introduced concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and dynamic dispatch.
  3. C++: Introduced OOP to the C programming language, adding features like classes, objects and inheritance.
  4. Java: Became popular in the 1990s with features like platform independence, garbage collection, and automatic memory management.
  5. Ruby: A dynamic, interpreted language that emphasizes readability and emphasizes the "Principle of Least Astonishment."
  6. Python: A high-level language that aims to balance simplicity and power, making it popular for beginners and experts alike.
  7. C#: Developed by Microsoft for the .NET framework, it added features like garbage collection and type safety. 

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